Salzburg Sights Before We Depart…

If you take a week or two vacation to a far off place, you take the chance of experiencing rainy weather to spoil your sightseeing.  For awhile, I thought perhaps staying in Salzburg 4 months wasn’t enough to miss the poor weather!  Apparently we had the worst March weather in 30 years (lucky us).  Don’t quote me on that, since I can’t understand German newspaper, but that is what we heard.  Although spring seemed to be skipped, we managed to hit major sights, especially Kim and Eliot while Reed was away at work. Today,  I thought I would condense down to one post some of the major sights tourists hit when they come to Salzburg.  Frequently they are only here a day or two, so we feel pretty darn lucky to have lived here for 4 months!

One of the most beautiful sights is Mirabellgarten (1606), and also a major Sound of Music icon.

One of the most famous fountains seen during the 'Do-Re-Mi' scene.

One of the most famous fountains seen during the ‘Do-Re-Mi’ scene.

Because everyone knows you can learn to sing by singing Do-Re-Mi (!?) but here are the rest of the Mirabell photos, if you are reading this via the email, you may want to click on the link to the actual blog,  otherwise I find the pictures  slow to load or quite so large.






Salzburg has the most incredible Old Town with gorgeous architecture.  A handful of times the weather was nice enough for Eliot and I to bike downtown, so here is a small summary of different Old Town sites.





There is so much more to see in Salzburg.  I didn’t feature Mozartplatz, where you can find the birthplace of Mozart and it’s museum.    Another, more peaceful cemetery at St. Sebastian’s Church (Sebastianskirche & Friedhof), and of course there are my previous posts on St. Peter’s Cemetery, Museum der Moderne (includes Salzburg at night), Toy MuseumGetreidegasse for shopping,  or Hellbrunn Palace (coming up next!).

There are so many incredible sculptures, most are quite old.  However, contemporary sculptures are abundant as well, like this almost sensual Mozart tribute.

Markus Lupertz

Markus Lupertz’s tribute to Mozart

Kim and Eliot usually spent Thursday mornings buying produce and meats at the large market near Mirabell.  We indulged in our weekly sausages every Thursday at noon!

Schranne, or Market around St. Andrew's Church, a Thursday tradition.

Schranne, or Market around St. Andrew’s Church, a Thursday tradition.

One particular Thursday, we biked over the river to meet Reed for lunch instead.

A view of the lovely Salzach River along our bike route.

A view of the lovely Salzach River along our bike route.

Along our route, a view of this incredible hotel up on Monchberg hill.

Along our route, a view of this incredible hotel up on Monchberg hill.

River Salzach and view of Kapunzinerberg Hill.

River Salzach and view of Kapuzinerberg Hill.

Kapuzinerberg is another incredible sight, see here.

And finally, lunch on the river as a family! Please note, Reed drinking water, and I just had to order a small ‘Radler.’  Radler is a traditional beer where they mix lemonade with beer.  I was firmly opposed to such things in beer, until I tried it and found it to be extremely refreshing!  Can’t knock it til you try it, as they say…

Finally, warm enough to sit outside before Reed head's back to work.

Finally, warm enough to sit outside before Reed heads back to work.

Lastly, a whirlwind post about Salzburg wouldn’t be complete without mention of our wonderful landlords whom Eliot adored. Here. they are in traditional garb (Lederhosen and the dress is called a Dirndl).

Josef and Elisabeth, incredible sincere and kind people made our 4 months just lovely!

Josef and Elisabeth, incredible sincere and kind people made our 4 months just lovely!

Unfortunately, this post is ridiculously delayed, in actuality, we have returned to the states!  But, we have so many fun photos, I will continue to blog on the remaining adventures with and without a toddler.  Up next, Hellbrunn Palace in the summer…quite a treat.

Yours in Salzburg Sights, Kim

Yours in Salzburg Sights, Kim