A Happy Hubby and A Lovely Day for a…

Guinness, of course! What were YOU thinking?

Men are pretty simple, for the most part.  We all know what makes them happy.  In addition to the basics, my Scotch-Irish hubby loves a good pub.  Since Austria is light-years behind (ok, I am exaggerating a little) in the non-smoking night-life scene, we have had a hard time finding places for a pint.  Secondly, the drinking age is 16 for beer & wine, 18 for liquor, so we face the possibility of entering a scene of teenagers in high-heels  smoking Chesterfields.  We have had a hard time finding hops in the pints as well, but that is a different story.

However, after nearly 3 months of living in Salzburg, we have FOUND AN OASIS in a local Irish pub!  Guinness on tap, non-smoking AND a frequent beer pint card (drink 10 pints, get one free).   What luck!

Murphy's Law!

Murphy’s Law!

A Lovely Day for a Guiness

A Lovely Day for a Guinness

I know. It seems completely  superficial of me to post, day-after-day about food, drink and architecture.  I have dear relatives that write or preach often of much deeper topics, those with an eternal focus .   This however, is not that kind of blog. I have pondered over this, and come to the conclusion, this is all about my family experiencing a new culture and enjoying life.  As superficial as it may seem, it is what it is.  So, let’s move on to more hoppy topics.

Go Mariners! (This one is for you, Dave)

Go Mariners! (This one is for you, Levison)

Please note the cave-like appearance. This too, is within the Monchsberg.

Please note the cave-like appearance. This too, is within the Monchsberg.

Who knew you could fit so many establishments with in a rock wall??

Let’s finish by saying this wasn’t actually pint-day, but a day-date at the Salzburg Museum and Panoramic Museum.  The former being the larger one, and quite interesting…although I took few photos.  Let’s end with the most cheesy.

Does it get any better than this?

Does it get any better than this?

The Panorama Museum mostly contained an incredible panoramic painting of historic Salzburg, oh and this Sound of Music exhibition.  I would have stayed longer for Reed to fix the resolution, but I felt like a moron.

Your Guinness Loving-Gal,


7 thoughts on “A Happy Hubby and A Lovely Day for a…

  1. How do you solve a problem like Kim? Oh no, it was Maria! Glad you are sticking to the family, castles, food, and drink in your blog! I enjoy every word!

  2. We don’t want meditations on deep subjects. The more actual experiences, the better! Happy oasising… When’s Reed in Missoula for the quick visit??

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